Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dad is released...

Hi Kids,

Yesterday, Dad was released from his Bishop calling and I wanted to share, with you, what the Stake President said. He did the releasing and sustaining order of business and had the new counselor sit on the stand as the new Bishopric rearranged their seating to exclude Dad. President Hettinger went on to say that he took the opportunity to talk with all of Dad's counselors and asked them to deliver up funny quirks about the Bishop they served and he only got responses of love, admiration, gratitude and good feelings of friendship from him. They went on to characterize him as a "man without guile" and that they felt that their time as a counselor was the most favorite calling they ever had. The ward members came up and hugged him and stated their great love for him. He is very loved by all and I'm so luckly to be his loving wife. We miss you all and hope the very best for you. You have a great Dad and he has set a high standard for our beautiful family. This great quote stands firmly inside this family--- (John) Morris--be true to who you are and the family name you bear.

We love you all very much. MOM

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